Obirin Africa is an organisation which aims to raise awareness for issues affecting women from Africa and the diaspora such as period poverty, maternal mortality, sexual and gender-based violence amongst others. Furthermore, we hope to educate black women about their reproductive and sexual health in order to empower them to take control of their health and we want to elevate black women.
Dr Antonia Ashaye is a medical doctor and the founder of Obirin Africa.
In December 2019, Antonia started Obirin Africa after noticing the racial disparity in health outcomes for black women not only in the UK but globally.
Antonia has a keen interest in Women's health as well as widening access and social equality, having been involved with various organisations such as the Cardiff University Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society, Melanin Medics, Widening Access to Medicine Mentors and the African Caribbean Medical Association.